Create a blueprint for a life that you would love to live

Join my Conscious Thought, Conscious Creation Coaching Program


In this 12-week online coaching program, you will learn:


  • the 3 keys to accelerating your results
  • the 2 keys for tuning into your purpose
  • the 5 point test for determining whether your dream is right for you
  • simple thinking strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry.
  • learn what wealthy people do that creates sustained success
  • discover the number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated to override it.
  • get a proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
  • discover the number 1 thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.
  • learn the 3 powerful words that can override any negative belief and much, much, more.

Included in this product package is a weekly group coaching call. Once you purchase the program you will be sent an email that will include all of the pertinent call-in information.

Increase your awareness that you can improve your life in the areas of relationships, income or time and money freedom.

Increase your awareness that you can improve your life in the areas of relationships, income or time and money freedom.

Powerful thinking-strategies assist you with increasing your professional and personal performance.

Powerful thinking-strategies assist you with increasing your professional and personal performance.

Become the best version of YOU, that you can possibly be

Create a blueprint for a life that you would love to live


"You will LOVE this program!"


"This program has truly been an eye-opener for me.

Within the first coaching call, I had several moments of awareness that helped me to gain clarity on my health and why I have/had been dealing with certain health issues.

The next major shift for me was the creation and manifestation of a new (used) car for me that I did not know at the time how it was going to come about or how I was going to pay for it.

I practiced some of the principles I learned in this course, and sure enough, it worked!

I would recommend this coaching program to anyone who feels they may be stuck or desires the ability to dream again.

It is very uplifting, motivational, eye-opening, and Mai Calev is a terrific life coach!

You will love this program!"

Sandy P, Phoenix AZ

Create a blueprint for a life that you would love to live

As a Certified Dreambuilder Life Coach I teach and coach you in a way that is full of compassion and understanding